Today was a hard day. I am sure that a big part of it is going to Uganda, and Satan attacking me trying to get me down and distracted. I felt like I was on the edge of tears most of the day, feeling anxious and weighted down without really knowing what was wrong. Our God is faithful, though, and tonight His goodness was absolutely evident to me. After a day of feeling completely inadequate, two things happened tonight at my discipleship group that leave me knowing that God wants to get a message across to me:
1. During the closing prayer, one of my classmates said (loosely quoting) “God, there are some in here who are feeling inadequate. Pour out your love and showing them that you are strong in them and will do mighty things through them.” I knew that God was talking to me. I’d felt so down, so inadequate, so burdened all day. I know that God spoke to me through my brother in Christ.
2. After that prayer, our teacher Scott said “Wait. We need to pray for Helen and her trip to Uganda.” My classmates laid hands on me and prayed for me. Two women that I’m close to not only prayed for my protection, but spoke affirming, life-giving words over me. They believe in me, and they see God working in me. How amazing is that? Scott also prayed over me, and hearing and feeling the prayers of my brothers in sister in Christ for me, my teammates, and the people of Uganda had me in tears. I had a room of people who believe that God can and will work in me.
So knowing what God did tonight, the below (written earlier today) might make a little bit more sense. I think that I knew what God was saying to me earlier today, but I don’t think that it had sunk in yet. It’s pretty amazing, though, to look back just hours and know that God was trying to get something through my thick head.
I’ve been having another one of those times when I know God keeps bringing something to my mind. As we’re preparing for Uganda, I’ve been fighting off feelings of inadequacy – the lies that I can’t do this, I’m going to mess things up… the list goes on. I know that they’re lies, but fighting them gets exhausting. God’s been SO faithful though, feeding me truth and giving me courage.
What He’s been trying to tell me can be summed up by a line in the song “Have Your Way” by Britt Nicole – “Remind me that you take broken things and turn them into beautiful.” I hear it echoing in my head all day. God will use me despite my weaknesses, and He just wants me to be willing. He takes me in all my mess, in all my brokenness and inadequacy, and He uses me. He wants to use ME. It blows my little mind.
I hope to write about this more, but I wanted to write this much for now and end with a song. One of the songs that I keep coming back to lately (even though it’s been one of my favorite songs for several years) is called “Beautiful Somehow” by Joy Williams. From the first time I heard it, God has spoken to me through it… reminding me that He made me in His image and that He loves me and wants to and can use me. On those days when I think that I’m just too [fill in the blank] for God to use, I usually end up with this song in my head… remembering that He makes everything beautiful.
Well, I've never been a fashion queen
I wear dresses I wear jeans
I've even been known to wear my heart on my sleeve
I'm just your average kid next door
A plain simple mystery
I'm a self-proclaimed daddy's girl
With my share of idiosyncrasies
I'm just fine
I see a smile from Heaven
My father's proud
And I know that I am simply, fearfully, and wonderfully
Made in you
You make it beautiful somehow
I've got old-fashioned sensibilities
I believe chivalry still exists
And I can be a princess
Even when there ain't no prince
So what if I'm right brained
I've got half a mind to disagree
I would rather write the book
Than go and read the movie
So even when I may not rhyme
You always give me reason
I'm just fine
I see a smile from Heaven
My father's proud
And I know that I am simply, fearfully, and wonderfully
Made in you
You make it beautiful somehow
Every day, every way
Got my elbows on the table
My mind up in the clouds
I know I'm getting better
I can almost hear You laugh out loud
The more I trust in You
The more I find
What You create is no mistake
It's purpose by design