Thursday, September 9, 2010

Lessons from Trixie, Part 3

One of the most valuable things that I’ve learned from Trixie is the importance of being excited to greet someone. I know that it sounds silly, so let me explain.

My mom helped me tint my bedroom window about a year ago, but if I get at the right angle and squint, I can still make out the outline of Trixie sitting on my bed watching me as I leave to go to work every morning. What a blessing to know that someone, even my dog, is waiting at home for me. When my brother stayed with me this summer, he said that around 5:00 every day she would abruptly stop playing with him and go watch out the window for me.

Before the window was tinted it was easier to tell, but I can make out her figure when I get home. She watches me as long as she can, and then as I come up the stairs she races to the door. I can hear her tags jingling before I even get my keys in the door. As I open the door I am greeted by 12 pounds of dancing, wiggling affection. After squeals, sighs, and dancing (on both our parts), she races to the couch and jumps up on the back… just to get closer to me. I think that she wants to make it easier for me to pick her up. Before all of the things that “need” to be done (a walk, dinner, etc., etc.), there are at least a few minutes where we just rejoice at being reunited. It is simple loving – kisses from her in exchange for good scratches from me. 

I love so much how my dog tells me that she loves me and missed me. And when I think about it, I want the people in my life to know that I’m excited to see them. It makes a world of difference to me when someone waves at me from across the room or gives me a big hug.

My Dad has mentioned to me at least a few times that he learned this from Trixie, too. When I was living at home I knew that when I got back from somewhere, I would hear the THWOOMP of my Dad snapping his recliner down, and then within seconds I’d be wrapped in a big hug. I’ve seen him do it hundreds of times. “YAY! [Insert name here] is home!” Now, when I make the drive back to Boone, I know that I can call them when I get done making my car climb up the mountain (if we’re not already on the phone), and he and Mom will be waiting at the door or outside when I get there. Just another way that I know that they love me and miss me. It’s a good feeling.

Just like it’s a good feeling when my brother greets me with a “CRAZY H!” or my sister sing-songs a “Heeeyyy!”. Just like it’s a good feeling when I go to the Hollis household and hear at least a few voices yell “H!” in unison. Just like when I have a middle schooler say “Oh good, Helen is here.”

This isn’t to say that when someone doesn’t scream my name, race over to me, and give me a huge bear hug that I get offended or think that they don’t like me. I am extremely comfortable with laidback [to the point of nonexistent] greetings. This is probably because I’m not naturally an outgoing people person myself. Shocker.

But I’ve been attempting to try greeting people better, and I love the difference that it makes. Even when it would be more natural for me to just slip quietly to my desk or into a crowded room, I’ve been trying to take a minute to find someone (maybe even someone I don’t know as well) and just say hello, making sure they know that I’m genuinely glad to see them. I love how it makes me feel, and I love the response that I get.

In 2 Corinthians 13:12 we’re told “Greet one another with a holy kiss.” While I’m not slathering on the Chapstick every time I enter a room, I think that I get the point. Show love to people. Be affectionate.

I am a huge fan of the way that Philippians is translated in The Message, so here is Philippians 4:5 – “Make it as clear as you can to all you meet that you're on their side, working with them and not against them. Help them see that the Master is about to arrive. He could show up any minute!”

1 comment:

  1. I like this idea, Helen. Being pet people, we too know the joys of a friendly animal hello at the end of the day or even a scolding when we're late, it's too funny! Good reminder to greet one another with the same joy we reserve for our pets! :)
    Love Emilie
